
Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Players' New Clothes?

QPR confront some rather serious problems on and off the field. Among these: Four losses in a row; near the bottom of the Championship Table; declining attendances; a very large squad of players, and a ten million pound Loan from the "mysterious" ABC Group, at 10% annual interest; along with additional millions in other loans.

Over the past year-and-a-half, this blog has sought to "report"/document in a variety of areas of interest concerning QPR-related matters, current and past. One of the things this blog has sought to do is to take note of what has been said by the people involved with this great club; and then to look back with the benefit of some perspective and compare what was said with what transpired. And when there is some confusion or some questions, to seek clarification just by posting (or reposting this material).

There are the very large issues - such as our debt and league position. And then there are the extremely small - some would claim insignificant -issues, but are interesting in terms of how fans are told things. But if they are QPR related they are of interest to this blogger.

Over the past couple of weeks one of those relatively small issues was the query about what a reserve player called Ugo Ukah was doing back at the club, six months after his transfer to Italy had been announced by the club. Although the club has yet to issue an official explanation, a number of other posters have offered what is presumably the unofficial "official" explanation. Ukah Explained

An admittedly even more peripheral issue was just a extremely simple query which was posed on the messageboards (and scoffed at by a fair number of messageboard posters although not by all) - but was never actually answered by anyone in know in the affirmative. In the Summer, the Chairman spoke about the new suits the players would be getting. My query: Did the players get their promised/fitted suits and if so, are they worn to pre-match games? And what's the situation re suits for new players who subsequently joned the club? (And if per chance, they haven't yet received them, when will they be arriving?)

". ..When we go to Italy in the pre-season all the players will have tailor made suits, with the club badge on so the players will really look the part for next season. That's another deal we've done. " May, 2006 Rivals Interview with Chairman Paladini

Paladini's post-Italy tour statement "ROLL ON THE NEW SEASON" "...Having just returned from the R's pre-season tour of Italy, QPR Chairman Gianni Paladini "Despite the players staying in one of the town's grandest hotels, and having been fitted with brand new QPR tailor-made suits for every player, ...."

Official Site - QPR's pre-season trip has begun....."Today a home sick Scott Donnelly told local tailor then came to measure the players for matching suits and then it was off to Sorrento.... QPR

LSA Reported on their July meeting with Paladini "We were told that the trip to Italy was sponsored by the Mayor of Sorrento and this will include hand made suits for the players and staff." LSA

Just a query.