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- QPR have reportedly been trying to persuade some other team to take Pellicori
- Latest QPR Season Ticket Sales Figure: 6,654
- QPR Youth Playing Today in Derry Competition
- Two Ex-QPR Birthdays Today (Quashie and Delaney)
QPR XI reportedly won 3-2 against Saltash tonight after being 0-2 down
- Supposed QPR Bid for Ipswich's Jon Waters
- The Vuvzuelas: Spurs and Barnsley Join Clubs Banning it. Blackpool reportedly allow/encourage it.
- Des Bulpin Appointed in India
- FIVE YEAR FLASHBACK: UGO UKAH SIGNS FOR QPR: More re the Arrival and Departure and Return and Departure of Ugo Ukah
Posted on: Mon 19 Jul 2010
Click here (OSC Constitution) for the Official Supporters Club's constitution for the 2010/11 season
1. Name
1.1 The organisation shall be referred to as the Queens Park Rangers FC Official
Supporters Club (hereinafter called “the OSC”)
1.2 The headquarters of the OSC shall be: c/o Queens Park Rangers Football Club,
Loftus Road Stadium, South Africa Road, London W12 7PJ
2. Objectives and purpose of the OSC
2.1 To encourage the support of Queens Park Rangers Football Club (hereinafter
called “the Football Club”)
2.2 To represent the views of the membership directly to the Football Club and form
a link between the supporters and the Football Club
2.3 To assist the Football Club whenever possible, as required
2.4 To work in a fundraising capacity predominantly for, but not restricted to, the
QPR in the Community Trust and the QPR Centre of Excellence
2.5 To encourage supporters’ social activities
2.6 To encourage friendly relationships with supporters of all football clubs
2.7 To forge a positive relationship between the Football Club and the local
3. Membership
3.1 Membership of the OSC will be open to all supporters as part of the Season
Ticket and Membership renewal/application process
4. Annual General Meetings
4.1 An Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the OSC shall be held every calendar
year, with effect from 2010, to carry out the following business:
(I) To receive an annual report of the OSC’s activities for the previous year
(II) To receive and approve the financial accounts of the OSC for the previous
(III) To appoint or sanction the appointment of members of the committee
(IV) To discuss other matters relating to business of the AGM as communicated
to the Secretary and included in the notice of the meeting
4.2 At the OSC AGM each member (over the age of 16) shall have one vote
5. Finance
5.1 The OSC Committee shall at all times ensure that proper records of account are
kept of all transactions connected with the activities of the OSC
5.2 Accounts of the OSC shall be prepared annually, and a copy made available to
every member attending the AGM
5.3 An OSC Committee Member shall not make any profit or gain from any OSC
activity or event
5.4 In the event of the winding up of the OSC all its assets, monies and other
securities shall be disposed of to Queens Park Rangers Football Club
6. Relationship with Queens Park Rangers Football Club
6.1 The OSC is managed independently of the Football Club as are its finances
6.2 The Committee will represent the views of the membership through the Football
Club’s representative attending meetings at intervals throughout the year
1. OSC Financial Year
1.1 The OSC financial Year shall run from 1 August to 31 July each year
2. The Committee
2.1 The Committee shall consist of at least 9 adult members, position of office to be
decided by the Committee. The Committee can increase the number of
representatives on the Committee by a majority vote
2.2 Committee members shall serve a term of office of three years
2.3 Any Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the
Committee without reasonable explanation shall, unless the Committee shall
resolve to the contrary, be deemed to have resigned from the Committee (and
shall be ineligible for re-election for the next year)
2.4 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to assist in the
organisation of events, as and when required
2.5 It is expected that Committee Members shall not use any OSC meeting or event
as a forum for their own means or to further personal or political opinions or
2.6 All business of the OSC shall be deemed confidential and only relayed to non
members by agreed means and by the Committee
2.7 Unless specifically requested by the Committee, the publishing of OSC business
in any public domain is strictly prohibited. This, and the dissemination of any
OSC information, shall be considered a serious breach of membership rules
2.8 The OSC Committee has sole authority over entering into contracts, agreements
and payments on behalf of the OSC
3. Meetings
3.1 The Committee shall meet at such time or times as the Committee shall
determine, but at a minimum would aim to meet at least once a month
3.2 It is envisaged to hold regular meetings with Supporters’ Groups, at a minimum
on a bi-monthly basis, with feedback discussed at a separate meeting with a
representative of the Football Club also to be held bi-monthly
3.3 A quorum shall be deemed to consist of 50% of the Committee membership plus
3.4 Representatives of the Football Club may be asked to attend meetings as the
occasion/event dictates
3.5 The Committee may invite any person(s) to attend meetings in a ‘non-voting’
3.6 An Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the OSC shall be held once a year during
the playing season
3.7 The secretary shall post up at South Africa Road and also in the match day
programme at least fourteen days before the AGM a notice of the meeting
stating the time and the place where it will be held and the business to be
3.8 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee
or by written request to the secretary of a minimum of 30 adult members. Such
a request shall state the purpose for which such a meeting is required
3.9 At the Annual General Meeting of the OSC such members of the Committee who
have served their term of office shall retire and may offer themselves for reelection.
Co-opted members may offer themselves for election at the Annual
General Meeting
3.10 Voting shall be by a show of hands or by ballot paper whichever procedure is
deemed more expedient by the chairperson
4. Finance
4.1 The OSC shall have a general account (currently with HSBC) and all cheques
drawn on such account shall bear at least two of the designated signatories
4.2 Any monies raised should always be counted and verified by TWO members of
the Committee
5. Alterations to the rules
5.1 Any proposed amendments to these rules shall be put to members at an annual
general meeting of the OSC and shall then be adopted or amended or repealed
by 75% of the members present who are entitled to vote
6. Life Membership
6.1 The Committee shall have the power to offer life membership to members or
others wherein the Committee will have sole discretion over such invitation
7. Expulsion from the Committee
7.1 Committee members may be suspended or expelled from the Committee for
refusing to comply with the provisions of any of these rules or for any other
cause deemed by the Committee to justify such suspension or expulsion,
provided that at least two thirds of the Committee then present vote in favour of
his/her suspension or expulsion
8. Unspecified matters
8.1 Any matter not covered by the above rules shall be dealt with by the OSC Committee