- Alan McDonald Funeral was yesterday in in Northern Ireland. Continuing Tributes from Former Players and Fans
- As one reads all the heart-warming memories and stories about Alan McDonald - the person as much as the player - it brings home, once again, how much QPR need to institute some form of Former Player Association. To keep in touch with the players; to bring them to the fans; and yes, to help out, when needed - especially with health problems which came about from playing. Other clubs do this. QPR should do no less.
- As one reads all the heart-warming memories and stories about Alan McDonald - the person as much as the player - it brings home, once again, how much QPR need to institute some form of Former Player Association. To keep in touch with the players; to bring them to the fans; and yes, to help out, when needed - especially with health problems which came about from playing. Other clubs do this. QPR should do no less.
- Terry Venables' First Signing for QPR Turns Sixty ("Super Agent" Barry Silkman)
- Dave Clement: The Michael Wale Report - Profile of and Interview with Dave Clement
- Five Years ago Today: John Curtis Joins QPR
- VIDEO: On This Day in 1958: A 17-Year Old Pele Helps Brazil Win the World Cup!
- Brentford Moving to a New Ground/Building New Stadium
Chatting with Mark Lazarus – 27th June 2012
John "Gramps" Clifford is the author of "Queen's Park Rangers: The Old Days (1939-1970)" which can be purchased at qprtheolddays.com or via Amazon.com
Rodney Marsh v Stan Bowles
played the game like a lot of the people they are talking about now but
Rodney used to score a lot of goals and he also scored a lot of goals
off his own back. He would get the ball down in the middle of a
crowded defence and he would wiggle his way through and score a goal.
Players today can’t do that – Stan Bowles could never do that. Let’s
face it, Stan Bowles was a bloody good player but as a pure footballer
you’d have Rodney in your side every day in preference to Stan Bowles.
Rodney could win a game on his own but Stan was a player who, on his
day, would bring the ball down and set other people up but with Rodney,
well he didn’t need anybody else. In my opinion Rodney was far away
ahead of Stan. I agree that people may have other opinions but, after
all, what is football – it’s all about opinions at the end of the day.
would have struggled in today’s game because I didn’t work enough
backwards. A lot of the players in my day would struggle today because
they were not athletic enough; today you’ve got to be an athlete
because it is a much faster game. Today the players can tackle but
they can’t hold the ball as we could. I wouldn’t mind betting that
today twenty out of every hundred passes go forwards and eighty go
backwards. There’s more backward play today than there has ever been
in the game. People get the ball up front, they seldom go past anybody
and if they do go down the line they stop and pass it backwards and it
finishes up with the right back or centre half. We are attacking in
their penalty area and the ball finishes up with our goalkeeper without
the opposition touching the ball.
today is very good ‘touch football’ – excellent – but in our day we had
more players with great individual skills. They would get the ball
and people like Jimmy Greaves, Johnny Haynes – well, Rooney couldn’t
lace their boots up. Stanley Matthews and Tom Finney were brilliant
but not players who tackled a man. You just gave them the ball and let
them get on with it and it was the same with Rodney; you could give
me the ball and let me get on with it! I was never looking to pass the
ball back to my full back. There was that spot in the opposition area
that was eight yards wide and eight feet high and had a net on it; my
aim was to get the ball in there or at least somewhere near there; I
certainly didn’t want our goalkeeper to end up getting it. I wanted to
get the ball and go forward.
opinion of Rooney is that he is an average to good player. He is
definitely not world class and despite what some may think he is not the
greatest footballer we have ever turned out.
were given a lesson in football in 1953 and 1954 by Hungary. We
thought we were the best in the world, we introduced the game to the
world, then Hungary came over and played the sort of football we had
never seen before. I took the day off school to watch that game. In
my opinion we didn’t learn from it. We haven’t got the individual
players now: Finney, Shackleton, Lawton, Matthews, Mortensen. We
don’t have them today but we have different types of players – athletes –
but I can’t call them great. The goalkeeper might be the best
goalkeeper around but he couldn’t compare with the goalies we had in the
past. We were the best in the world for goalkeepers – Banks, Swift,
Parkes, Seaman, Shilton, Rangers’ own Reg Allen, Ted Ditchburn, Sam
Bartram, Ron and Peter Springett – in my view Ron Springett was one of
the best goalkeepers I ever played with and against. I will always
remember Gil Merrick who played for England. His sense of positioning
was brilliant and I have seen him go out at the beginning of a game in
clean kit and come off the pitch just as clean. His positioning and
keeping was so good that he seldom had to dive for the ball. He took
every shot cleanly.
you had to pick a world team I can’t see that any England players would
get in – we just don’t have the skills that other countries have. I
feel that our true world class players over the years have been Gordon
Banks, Bobby Moore, Jimmy Greaves but I can’t think of too many more,
even in the World Cup winning side. George Best and Denis Law might
have got in there.
Questions from QPR Report members:
1 What made Mark choose football over boxing and what was your weekly wage at QPR in the 66-67 season?
Well, I didn’t choose football – football chose me rather than
boxing. I was doing the two things at the same time. When I signed
pro forms for Leyton Orient in 1957 they stopped me boxing as an amateur
and I was not allowed to sign as a pro in the two sports. So, as I
have said, football chose me. Had Orient not signed me then I would
most probably have carried on boxing as I wasn’t that keen on
football. I was a mad footballer as a kid and I got a lot of
recognition as a schoolboy but boxing was my real love.
far as the second part of the question goes, it is difficult to
remember but I’ll try to get my facts right. As I recall, we were all
on £30 - £35 a week. You have to remember that we were a Third
Division side at that time and I knew players at Fulham who were on less wages
than that. In those days this was quite a good deal. Remember that
in those days we didn’t have agents so players had to negotiate their
own contracts. When I signed for Rangers from Brentford I negotiated
£35 a week plus bonuses so with a good result I could get £60 in a week
which was really good money in those days. When I moved on to Crystal
Palace I negotiated £60 a week basic plus bonuses and a signing on
fee. Generally, though, players’ pay was about £35 a week.
this point I asked Mark if he knew that he held an all time football
record as the only player to be signed three times by the same club.
He admitted that he didn’t know this but then pointed out that he held
another record in that he is the only player to have played for three
teams (1967 to 1970) who were promoted in four successive seasons.
1966/7, promotion with QPR; 1967/8, promotion again with QPR; 1968/9,
promotion with Crystal Palace; 1969/70, promotion with Leyton Orient.
He said the word was going round that if you wanted to get promotion
then you signed Mark Lazarus.
2 Apart from those he has played with, which other players, past or present, would he have liked to play with?
That is a very hard question to answer. I once played a friendly
match with George Eastham and of all the players I have played with over
the years George gave me the ball more than anybody else. In the
formations of the old days, if you were a winger or inside forward on
the same side of the field you had to know and understand each other
very well. George “had my number” and seemed to instinctively know
where I was at any one time. I have never played with him since but I
guess, based on that one game, he would be the one with whom I would be
happy to strike up a long-term partnership.
played with Jimmy Greaves as a schoolboy and he is a good friend but we
never played together professionally and I don’t know how we would have
got on together. I also enjoyed playing with Jimmy Bloomfield. I
have played with some great inside forwards but it is always difficult
to answer a question like this if you have not actually been on the
field with a player. In saying this, I think that Paul Scholes is
somebody I would have enjoyed playing with; he is a bit more ‘old
school’ in his style of play. Now I think about it, Johnny Haynes
would also have been a good player to work with.
3 How does it feel to still be a Rangers legend after over 40 years?
(slightly embarrassed laughter): Well, it really is an honour . I
wouldn’t know how many legends there are at QPR but I don’t want to
appear too immodest when I say that I think Rodney and myself are two
who can claim that sort of title. What you have to remember is that
Rodney and I did a lot of the hard work to get QPR out of the Third
Division. When I first joined the club in 1960 we often played in
front of crowds of only three or four thousand and by the time I finally
left, our successes had dramatically increased this.
I was sold to Wolves for £27,500 this was a record fee. I didn’t want
to go and Alec Stock didn’t want to sell me but the club was in
financial difficulty and I was mainly sold to help keep their head above
water. This was something that Alec Stock was good at and he kept
clubs afloat by his financial dealing. I believe that by going to
Wolves I saved QPR at that time.
have had some really class players in people like Les Ferdinand, Terry
Venables, John Hollins. It is difficult, in my view, to classify these
players as ‘legends’ because in effect they jumped on the successful
bandwagon. Of course the club had to strengthen their squad to cope
with a higher division but these players had done nothing to create that
bandwagon in the first place and it is easy to forget those who were
with the club in the thin times. This is exactly what the club has to
do, and is doing, this year to strengthen their squad which will also
herald the departure of one or two who have worked loyally and been
through the hard graft of getting them into the Premier League.
others who could claim legendary status would be Mike Keen, Tony
Ingham, Dave Clement, Ian Gillard. I am not decrying the club and
supporters when they talk of legends, and don’t deny that there were
great players along with many others, but sometimes the title is given
too easily. Gerry Francis is a true legend. He started with the club
as an apprentice, gave loyal service for more than ten years, was a
first class player and captained England. What could get better than
that? There are others from before my time who could probably also
claim that title: Reg Allen, George Goddard and others but very few
supporters from those days are around now so they tend to be
forgotten. A legend has to be an old player. I don’t believe you
can be a legend while you are still playing the game. I know and have a
lot of respect for Les Ferdinand. A good player who has helped his
clubs by scoring a lot of goals but I would have difficulty in
classifying him as legendary on that basis alone.
this point I would like to say how much I loved QPR. I never once
wanted to leave them. I was forced to leave for the club’s financial
reasons but they were always the only club for me. The fans there were
absolutely brilliant and I loved every one of them – they were my
non-playing mates.
4 How do you rate the managers from your time to the managers of today?
I really don’t think I can answer that question. I haven’t played
football for over 40 years. A few of today’s managers I have played
against and played with but it is very difficult to generalise about
people you have not played for. I think you have to judge managers
today on their ability to buy and sell players. Years ago you based
your managers more on success for the club. I have played under Alec
Stock, Malcolm McDonald, Tommy Kavanagh, Jimmy Bloomfield, Bert Head,
Stan Cullis, George Petchey. Undoubtedly the top of that list was
Alec Stock and next would be Bert Head. Very similar but, in stature,
Alec would leave Bert behind. Bert was a real, quiet spoken west
country man – a great motivator; a very, very nice man who always knew
what was going on in his club. Alec Stock, on the other hand was a
diplomat, very smartly dressed. You couldn’t mistake Alec for what he
was – he was the Guv’nor, whereas Bert was a bit scruffy and very laid
was a disciplinarian. Many a time when he was not happy with me he
literally cuffed me round the face or gave me a kick up the arse. He
wouldn’t stand for any nonsense but the very next day he would come up
and put his arm round you. Not only was Alec a leader and motivator of
men, he was also a problem solver. He would recognise signs if
anybody appeared to be worried and ask a player if everything was
alright at home. He was a very caring man and if any of his players
had a problem he would go out of his way to help them in any way he
could. Alec had a lovely family. I was devastated when he died . I
admit without shame that I wept at his funeral and kissed his coffin.
I had great respect for him.
man I had great respect for was “Gentleman Jim” Langley and I was
deeply saddened by his death. A nice guy, really solid, tough, full
back even though he was only about five feet eight. He was similar to
Tony Ingham. They were both players who were real gentlemen and would
not kick an opponent except by accident. There are gentlemen in
football or, at least, there were gentlemen in the game in those days
but not so much now. There were also a lot of ****holes!
to the managers, however. It seems that the only measure of a good
manager today is the buying and selling of players and success. The
latter comes from the skill of doing the former. It’s a lot to do with
the coaching side of it. Years ago you didn’t see a manager on the
football pitch. It was all about the coaches and most clubs had two or
three coaches who were all experienced footballers. Alec Stock could
not discuss tactics to save his life, even though he was a former
footballer. He just came nowhere near the pitch during training
sessions. He was, like others of that time, strictly an administrator.
5 Did you ever consider becoming a manager or coach?
No. Definitely not. I was offered a post as coach at Colchester by
Dick Graham when I retired from active playing but I was not
interested. Not my thing. I had seventeen years of football and I
had a business. When I stopped playing I had really had enough. When
I was playing the game I was not the best one for training and I don’t
feel it would have been right for me or I would have been suited to
strutting around telling others about the importance of training. I
had a fair idea of how to coach but I just wasn’t interested.
6 What is your recollection of the game when you lost your shorts but carried on playing?
(Laughter): There are a few games that stand out in your memory bank
and there was lot that was spoken about and written about that
incident. It was against Carlisle in the fifth round of the League Cup
and I split my shorts. My shirt was covering my embarrassment and I
had to take my torn shorts off by the dugout. I threw my shorts to
Alec Farmer (trainer) and he threw me a new pair. Before I could put
them on the ball came my way. It was instinct. I was on the field of
play and was not about to let the ball go to put on a pair of shorts so
I just ran down the line with no pants on. I had a good game that day
and laid on both goals for Rodney. I was tearing Carlisle apart at
the time and, as was the case in those days I got a cheer every time I
got hold of the ball but on this occasion there was a cheer and roars of
laughter. That’s the be all and end all of it.
7 In all your career who do you feel gave you the hardest time and contained you during a game?
There’s plenty of games where I haven’t been at my best but never a
game where I have been fearful of the defence against me and I truly
don’t think any player of that era can say they managed to truly contain
me. When I played against Don Megson at Hillsborough when he played
for Sheffield Wednesday I had a tough game or two but always “murdered
him” at Loftus Road. I don’t think anybody ever gave me a hard time at
Loftus Road. The confidence and sheer “fan-power” at that time meant
so much. I did play one game at Loftus Road for Crystal Palace against
the Rangers and I was up against Dave Clement who really gave me a
tough time. Probably Dave was the toughest back I have ever faced.
The away factor is something that is always a problem. You could play
on a pitch similar to our own yet struggle. Again, this was so much
down to the fans and familiarity of your surroundings; they give you
such a lift and you feel a real buzz and want to do the business for
them. It was much the same with Clive Clark, Rodney Marsh and Les
Allen besides myself. When any of us got the ball fans were convinced
something was going to happen.
8 About those transfers………….
just so loved my time at QPR. When I was on Brentford’s transfer list
I wanted to get away, more so when I knew it was Rangers and Alec Stock
who wanted me. If it had been any other club I am not sure that I
would have left.
Alec Stock called me into the office and asked how I would feel about
going to Crystal Palace. I told him I didn’t want to go. He
suggested that in any event I should go and have a chat with Bert
Head. I later realised that Alec was in a difficult position. He
wanted to bring on the Morgans and I think he was under some pressure
from Ian who was more or less a permanent sub and wanted to develop his
career. I felt they wanted to get Ian into the side as a young player
but were in a difficult situation and perhaps didn’t want to lose me. I
was no youngster at the time and Bert came up with a super offer so I
thought that perhaps QPR were trying to save me a bit of dignity. Alec
Stock, diplomat that he was, was very good at that sort of man
management. Crystal Palace were a good side at the time so I accepted
the deal. I felt I would rather play for Palace than be a substitute
at QPR. As I said before, I never wanted to leave QPR and I wish now
that I hadn’t but I was obviously always trying to further my career.
Wanderers was a disaster really. Stan Cullis and I never hit it off
and what I saw as a chance to play in the big time simply did not work
out. Coincidentally, Cullis told me that if he had not signed me he
would have signed Mike Summerbee who went to Manchester City. I often
think that if I had refused to go to Wolves then that may have opened
the door to Manchester City and who knows where I could have gone from
there? Maybe even a regular for England. This was one of those years
where I couldn’t do anything wrong. If I fell over my own feet the
chances were that the ball would hit my head and go in the net.
9 If Joey Barton was your team mate, would you have punched him on the nose?
(huge laughter): I have no feelings about this really but I think he
is a bit of a prat, not only for what he did at QPR but also his former
clubs – a real head case. I just think I would not like the man and
could not get on with him as a person. Yes, I know I was fiery but I
would never have allowed myself to get into a state like he did. I had
my ups and downs on and off the pitch but would never have done
anything like that. It was professionally shameful and brought
discredit on himself and the club.
the old days it was the clubs who ran things and dictated terms it now
seems that the pendulum has swung the other way and it is the players
and their agents who run things. I don’t think Barton is that good a
player and with the latest development you might as well have an injured
player on your hands. The club needs to make life hard for him. His
team mates can’t possibly have any respect for him as a captain. He
totally lost it in that game and if I had been on the pitch I would have
stepped in but not sure that I could have stopped him.
110 Do you stay in touch with former players?
I don’t stay in touch as such but I do see them at various functions
from time to time. I’m not one for ringing people up and going out for
a meal or any such thing. I see Tony Hazell from time to time. He
doesn’t miss any opportunity to see old friends. He goes to any QPR
events that he can. I spoke with Ron Hunt about a year ago and he is
not very well. He lives in the Bournemouth area and had a tragedy
which he has never come to terms with when his son hung himself. I
tend to see Frank Sibley from time to time but not that often. Nobody
knows where Keith Sanderson is. The last we heard, he was in South
Africa but nobody knows exactly where. I keep in touch with Les Allen
who has been very ill. I am also in touch with Rodney Marsh – I love
the guy although I am never quite sure what is going on with him. I
have seen Roger and Ian Morgan from time to time in recent years. The
last time was at a signing session in Brentwood.
111 Best wishes from Bill Power and wants to know your recollection of that winning goal.
Thanks for the good wishes. That goal! It was quite an easy goal
and an easy recollection. Probably one of the easiest goals I have
ever scored. It came to me from the goalkeeper, I chipped it in with
my left foot then went for a chat with the crowd while they sorted the
goalkeeper out – not unusual for me! The prima donnas who are playing
today have so much money and consider themselves so very much better
than the supporters that in general they don’t want to know. Where
would they be without those supporters though?
112 Mark, where did you get your beautiful singing voice from?
Mark (biggest laugh of the afternoon): Can’t answer that! But I’ve still got the record somewhere.
113 What would he wish the club to do about its relationships with former players?
What are other clubs doing vis-à-vis other players that Mark knows?
I can’t really give you a view on what other clubs are doing although I
can say that Crystal Palace run regular functions (reunions) for past
players, usually with a meal and a match. As a former Palace player I
was invited to a home match against QPR a couple of years or so ago. I
made a point of walking across the pitch to acknowledge the QPR fans as
well as the Palace supporters and I received a really great round of
applause for that which was very rewarding. Palace are brilliant and
do a lot for us.
know Rangers don’t do anything and I was a bit upset when none of us
got invited to the West Brom game last season in view of our history
with them (1967). One recollection is of a game where QPR were playing
West Ham at Loftus Road. My son is a Hammers supporter and asked if
we could go together so I rang the club and asked if I could buy two
tickets and they said that this could be arranged. I told them who I
was. When I got there I couldn’t get a decent seat. We were in the
top corner of the South Africa Road stand with a dreadful view and I
just didn’t want to be there.
another occasion I was invited to a QPR dinner at a big hotel. I took
a good friend with me. I was seated at a front table along with Ron
Springett and Stan Bowles. The compere for this was Tom Watts
(formerly of Eastenders) a self professed Rangers fan. He said
that he would like to introduce some old favourites from Loftus Road.
He introduced Ron Springett and Stan Bowles to applause then went on to a
totally different subject. I was completely ignored and found this to
be insulting. It took some time for me to calm down and get over my
embarrassment. I said to myself that I would not go to any more QPR
functions in future.
14 Why are you not a fan of the modern game? Is it the money, speed, cheating,
refs, ball, fans, foreigners, chairmen of just lack of technical ability of the English
I guess it is a bit of most of them. The questioner seems to be
reading my mind. I don’t think money should come into it. However
much you are paid you can only do what you can do. Lack of ability
certainly comes into it.
is a big issue and something must be done about it. I blame the
referees because they are being conned and, what’s more they know they
are being conned, they are allowing themselves to be conned and they let
the players get away with it. Players are screaming as soon as
anybody goes near them and throwing themselves on the ground and other
players are being booked – often for nothing. The referees are
useless! Absolutely useless! I don’t know what sort of football, if
any, they have ever played but they are definitely being conned. If
they keep on letting players get away with diving and cheating the game
will be totally ruined. The players are the biggest cheats of the
lot. If they think they can get away with things then they will carry
on doing it. I see players getting the smallest connection on a leg
going down holding their head because they know play will be stopped for
an apparent head injury. Most of the things that they go to ground
for are the sort of things that in my day we would have ignored. If we
did go down we would get up and carry straight on – and we never
screamed or had agonised looks on our faces unless it was totally
genuine and serious. The aim seems to be to do whatever you can to get
a player sent off. If a player ever fouled me, I would get up and
carry on with the game. If I fouled a player, he would do the same.
There is no way I would ever say “Sorry”. It was all part of the
game. Jimmy Langley was different. If he made a poor tackle, he
would immediately grab his opponent’s hand, help him to his feet and
apologise but that was not for me. I don’t want somebody to say sorry
to me when they have just tried to break my leg.
the ref gave us a penalty we would never argue against it even if we
knew it was not a penalty but we would always argue if there was one
against us. That goes with the territory. You give anybody an inch
in football then the players will want to take a yard.
have all seen incidents, particularly in the Euros, where the shirt
tugging goes on. In one incident John Terry was held back by his shirt
and it was ignored by the ref and his assistants. If it happens down
by the half way line the a free kick is awarded. By the same token
that sort of holding should be given as a penalty in the box. This
sort of behaviour should be stamped out by referees. I know that
referees had me down as a marked man before a game because they knew I
was a tough player. Referees today must have a similar view on players
who are cheaters and divers like Ashley Young but they choose to ignore
the facts and let it go. I also feel that the foreign players have a
lot to do with the cheating aspects of the game.
don’t like football today. It’s boring, referees are killing it,
players are killing it and silly little plastic footballs are ruining
it. Some of today’s players like Ronaldo would never be able to cope
with the heavy, soaking wet leather football and soggy mud-bath pitches
that we had in our day. One final point is that in my opinion
goal-line technology is an essential as referees are just not up to the
QPR Report would like to thank John "Gramps" Clifford for conducting this interview; and for granting permission to post it on the QPR Report Blog. His Book "Queen's Park Rangers: The Old Days (1939-1970) can be purchased at qprtheolddays.com or via Amazon.com
VIDEO of a couple of Mark Lazarus' final games for QPR - shortly before his (final) transfer from QPR to Crystal Palace Norwich Away ----- Norwich Home
Posted on: Thu 28 Jun 2012
Spark, the R's Club Mascot, is flying back from his summer holiday to make his debut for QPR in this year's London Mascot Derby - to be run at the Kia Oval on Friday 6th July during Surrey's FLt20 match against the Middlesex Panthers.
Aside from the Mascot Derby, the game itself should make for a memorable evening out.
Surrey will be boasting superstar batsman Kevin Pietersen and Ashes-winning fast bowler Chris Tremlett, as well as future stars Jade Dernbach, Stuart Meaker and
Their North London opposition are unlikely to be intimidated though, potentially boasting a side including the England trio of skipper Andrew Strauss, inventive Irishman Eoin Morgan and young speed king Steven Finn.
And Hoops fans can come along to enjoy the game and support Spark at a discounted rate thanks to our friends at Surrey.
All you need to do to get a ticket at a reduced rate - £15 instead of £20 - is to enter the code MASCOT when buying at www.kiaoval.com
Other competitors are likely to include Stamford the Lion; Billy the Badger from Fulham; Zampa the Millwall Lion; Harley or Charley Bear from Aviva Premiership winners Harlequins; Sarrie the Camel from their bitter rivals Saracens - and a host of other mascot titans from the capital's crowded sporting scene!
The game is due to start at 6.30pm, with the Mascot Derby revving up at around 7.45pm! QPR
- See QPR and Past Mascot Derbies!
From the Belfast Telegraph - Some 30 Photos in all at
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_46_694519s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_Mc_2_694515s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_Mc_3_694514s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_13_694509s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_14_694508s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_12_694420s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_11_694419s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_37_694522s.jpg)
Roy McDonald, brother of Alan is hugged by former Northern Ireland player Iain Dowie.
- See Other Michael Wale Interviews and Profiles with QPR Players in the Bushman Photo Archives
- Who Hates Whom! (Bump)
- BBC Documentary on REAL 1942 Football "Death Match" vs Nazis (that inspired "Escape to Victory"
- Who Hates Whom! (Bump)
QPR Report would like to thank John "Gramps" Clifford for conducting this interview; and for granting permission to post it on the QPR Report Blog. His Book "Queen's Park Rangers: The Old Days (1939-1970) can be purchased at qprtheolddays.com or via Amazon.com
VIDEO of a couple of Mark Lazarus' final games for QPR - shortly before his (final) transfer from QPR to Crystal Palace Norwich Away ----- Norwich Home
Posted on: Thu 28 Jun 2012
Spark, the R's Club Mascot, is flying back from his summer holiday to make his debut for QPR in this year's London Mascot Derby - to be run at the Kia Oval on Friday 6th July during Surrey's FLt20 match against the Middlesex Panthers.
Aside from the Mascot Derby, the game itself should make for a memorable evening out.
Surrey will be boasting superstar batsman Kevin Pietersen and Ashes-winning fast bowler Chris Tremlett, as well as future stars Jade Dernbach, Stuart Meaker and
Their North London opposition are unlikely to be intimidated though, potentially boasting a side including the England trio of skipper Andrew Strauss, inventive Irishman Eoin Morgan and young speed king Steven Finn.
And Hoops fans can come along to enjoy the game and support Spark at a discounted rate thanks to our friends at Surrey.
All you need to do to get a ticket at a reduced rate - £15 instead of £20 - is to enter the code MASCOT when buying at www.kiaoval.com
Other competitors are likely to include Stamford the Lion; Billy the Badger from Fulham; Zampa the Millwall Lion; Harley or Charley Bear from Aviva Premiership winners Harlequins; Sarrie the Camel from their bitter rivals Saracens - and a host of other mascot titans from the capital's crowded sporting scene!
The game is due to start at 6.30pm, with the Mascot Derby revving up at around 7.45pm! QPR
- See QPR and Past Mascot Derbies!
From the Belfast Telegraph - Some 30 Photos in all at
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_46_694519s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_Mc_2_694515s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_Mc_3_694514s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_13_694509s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_14_694508s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_12_694420s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_11_694419s.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://cdn.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/multimedia/dynamic/00694/Alan_M_37_694522s.jpg)
Roy McDonald, brother of Alan is hugged by former Northern Ireland player Iain Dowie.
- See Other Michael Wale Interviews and Profiles with QPR Players in the Bushman Photo Archives
- Who Hates Whom! (Bump)
- BBC Documentary on REAL 1942 Football "Death Match" vs Nazis (that inspired "Escape to Victory"
- Who Hates Whom! (Bump)