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Via the QPR Italia Site - Interview with Tomassi from Calciomercato.com by Roberto Filippi - Google Translation
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Thursday, December 25, 2008 . Tommasi CM tells you 'I like London. First Division lunga e competitiva' First Division long and competitive '
Tommasi CM tells you 'I like London. First Division long and competitive '
It 'just finished the training of QPR imperialism College Sports Ground in London, a stone's throw from London Heathrow. Damiano Tommasi provides for a moment with his companions, then approached us with a smile, same curls, same beard, same style. 34 years, ten in giallorosso, a shield and a Supercup, then the serious accident, a dark lasted 15 months. Few people would have bet on his return, but he falls in the field and score in the first minute. Pero 'something had cracked in his relationship with Rome, Tommasi prefers to go away, go two seasons at Levante in the Spanish Liga, before landing at the court of Flavio Briatore at QPR. Calciomercato.com interviewed him exclusively.
Tommasi, first of all speak of this: we can 'tell her first months in England?
It's going fairly well. The team and 'competitive. We must fight for the play-off and we are doing. Personally I arrived with an injury and I started with the reserves to capture the momentum game. Now I am ready to play and we certainly will be 'an opportunity for me. I am very happy because 'I returned to my work after the accident. My contract expires in June 2009, but I hope that this adventure can continue. As for the personal, the only real difficulty 'and' remoteness from my family, remained in Rome because 'my children had already' started school.
And London?
I like London, the climate is not 'then as' bad as they say. With the language cable me enough, although I still have some difficulty 'to understand when two English speaking among themselves quickly.
How did you find the "First Division" English?
It 'a very long championship with so many teams competitive. In fact, you can 'win and lose with each of them. At QPR we know this very well having beaten twice in the first league and then lost emblazoned with fewer teams.
Italy has' talked a lot of QPR, mainly due to Flavio Briatore, but perhaps in a few familiar with the club.
The QPR before Briatore belonged to another Italian, Gianni Paladini, and that 'Left to care for the sport. With the entry of new property 'started investment in new players and ambition of the club and' to return to play at high levels.
In football return on investment is not 'automatic, such as we saw with Moratti nell'Inter, and then sometimes the results are not immediately, but we have the potential to be able to achieve the goal of the play - off. Still missing 20 games to finish, then there 'all the time to recover.
Lei e 'to QPR for his experience, to set an example for young talent. How do you feel in this role?
E 'true, here there are many young people, but not' my prerogative to follow me. It 'clear that I try to bring the experience I have acquired over the years with various coaches, but' also true that the English football and 'somewhat' different from us and I do not know what baggage accumulated in other leagues can count really. Anyway'm trying to be what I have always been, to do my job and be ready when needed. If Then you can 'also be helpful to the young, well-being.
What were your early-career examples?
I started in Verona, and players like Pierino Fanna were important. In Rome I was inspired by champions like Aldair, Cafu and Balbo '.
The QPR and 'trained by another old knowledge of Italian football, Paulo Sousa. How are your relations with him?
Very good. He led the news', changing our form of play. One sees that and he 'was a footballer, especially the way clear to communicate with his players. Was' well placed from the outset and I believe has the potential to do very well.
How 'Mr Briatore?
The thing that struck me more 'and' his presence and participation in both victories in that defeat, knowledge of the environment, football, the game module. It seems as if this is its only business', but we all know that and do not '.
And Ecclestone?
Ecclestone is to competitions, but 'Briatore and that' more 'involved with the activities' of the team.
Now in English football speaks Italian. Capello coach of England, West Ham Zola, Di Matteo all'MK Dons, not to mention the many preparatory leadership and athletic. Why '?
Be ', not by chance we are world champions-in-Office and the Italian school, especially the coaches, and' excellent. In Italy we care much more 'tactical aspect and that' perhaps always been the most 'weak here in England.
Capello and 'was his coach Franco Baldini and the sports director of Rome at the time of the shield. Where andra 'England with them?
With Capello and Baldini England will 'get the results you deserve. The national English and 'a great team, with players of great talent. I am sure that Capello riuscira 'a motivating them to 100%.
However we must not forget that the international competitions and especially the final stages of a World Cup live on many variables, primarily in the form of key players in that period. You never know how to get there, especially after long and stressful championships, but I think that England has the potential to get among the top four.
She has been part of the global shipping blue Nippo-Korean in 2002 where it is' one of the best players. I remember that time has not exactly happy for the national team?
It 'been a World Cup started well but then e' was compromised by several incidents that have turned against us, such as the annulment of well-5 goals scored in 10. In any case, and 'fair to say we could do better, especially with Korea, where we had many occasions to quit the game before arriving at the Golden Goal that we eliminated from the tournament. My personal experience is important, but as I said before, a world 'also a lottery and with most teams' enthusiasm and less pressure in their local leagues can make trouble' anyone.
After the match with Korea all have been launched against Moreno shouting at the referee scandal. Yet in our house was gaining a scandal-scale well-piu 'grande. What he thought and when Calciopoli 'came to light?
- I was very disappointed. The prerogative of our players and 'to focus on the field and certainly not to talk about referees, textures, conspiracy and other things that are not related to the field of play. What pero 'has surprised me more' and 'has shown that despite all the evil that was in Italian football, was not seized the opportunity to really change. I do not know why ', I can only imagine that the end to more' is so good '. They could change people's ideas, yet instead we see the same faces at the top executive, the same people who were in office in the old system. So I do not see 'how we can make a real change if people are always the same.
What's NOT lacks in general and Italian football in particular?
I'm not missing the exasperation of the result, the emphasis that from 'the defeat, such as that' happened recently in Turin. Disputes over 'or less endorsed by the mass media. I think this is one of the most 'major problems of Italian football, the take for granted that if a team goes wrong should be criticized and challenged by force, even outside the field of play, hitting a personal level, troubled family life of footballers. In Spain and in England these things do not happen, at least for the time being.
Why 'many players show great fragility' psychological? Fault system that thinks more 'to exploit economically rather than ensure their development as people?
Frankly I think that percentage is less fragile players of other categories of workers.
How will the family in return for a player?
For any person and the family 'fundamental. For me is my family of origin that what I built, were the basis for my behavior, to celebrate the victories and defeats to overcome.
I read that she and 'very religious and expert in philosophy, and in his biography on Wikipedia in English, says she knows very well the work of Kierkegaard, the father dell'esistenzialismo.
It 'true that are religious, but frankly not the expert on Kierkegaard! I like philosophy, but what there is' clearly written on wikipedia be correct ...
She is called "Anima Candida" and "One of the most beautiful tales of Italian football." In reality 'she feels a "Candida Fable"?
Be ', the nickname "Soul Candida" I put the speaker of the Olympic Stadium in Rome, while the definition of "Fable" I was assigned to my return after a serious accident that kept me away from the fields for 15 months. Just come in segnai suffered a goal ... For a player who had to stop playing, returning to the field in its stadium and score in the first minute, be 'I feel really a fairy tale, regardless of whether I was the protagonist. For me anyway and that 'was more' a fable, and 'was the cancellation of months of suffering and therapies lived in solitude and with the specter of a career virtually over.
However, the definition of "Candida Fable" I'm all right! (Laughter)
Spends much time with his wife and his 4 children?
When they are at home more step 'time I can with them. Right now, unfortunately, not 'possible, but just the work I may go back for the weekend. If my contract will be 'renewed for next season, I hope they will reach me here in London.
What are the values that she and 'more' affectionate, that is humanly professionally?
Again the family and the sense of community 'in which one lives, with our rights and our obligations. The values of the Gospel, with what has announced *** on lifestyle and family belong to the community ', move all my choices. I believe that professional success is proportional to what can be a fully whether 'the same, even in the workplace.
C'e'una thing that has particularly hurt during his career?
E 'linked to my accident, but not so much at itself', as to whether I was alone for it. That 'was also the main reason why I went away from Rome. They cracked the relationships with people that I have followed after the accident and that I have forwarded the conviction to be able to return, also because 'they were perhaps the first to not believe it. Obviously sometimes not enough to be "Anime Candide" and behave well ... That 'more moment was' disappointing of my career.
And one more reminder 'affection?
Surely my back on the field, having scored after a minute. This has given even more 'emphasis to my story. It seems that almost everything was already 'written as if there had been a direction from above.
How do you blow one up again?
With the knowledge that is not 'over. Still be able to rise again after a stroke you from 'the force, makes you smile and makes you more' powerful than who or what you had inflicted the blow and believed to have you finished. Who does not fall never can 'have the strength to rise again. Football helps in this, even during a simple game.
His memory of President Sensi
It 'was my president in Serie A, I had only him. I started with him and with him I closed my experience in Rome. It 'was an important person for my career, especially at the beginning when my performance was not so' constant ec'erano also problems related to acceptance by the public of my presence.
It 'still linked to Roma and its fans?
Yes, I have a Roma house, my family lives there, we have many friends, many interests. The link with the environment of sports and Rome 'still tight, with Spalletti that with the changing room. Every opportunity and 'good for andarli to find a Trigoria.
Totti sent a message to Lippi for his resounding return to national: What would you say if Francis was still with him in the team?
I do not know if 'he who sent the message or maybe e' been a question, he replied, and then 're blockbuster. Totti, Cassano as attracting the attention of the media and the public, especially when it comes to National.
I do not know what kind of choices will 'Francis. I have my mind on who goes to National for the 'go or not go. First of all, and 'the coach who chooses the responsibility' and 'only hers. Those going to be proud to wear the blue jersey and realize that represent the other stayed at home and especially the school of Italian football.
When you retire 'riuscira' to stay away from football?
Frankly two years in Spain and England in this period are making me live my work with the right dynamics and the right intensity '. A football so can 'stay in the life of anyone and would not be so intolerable remain in the environment.
Then we'll see as a coach, manager or perhaps President? In Italy abroad?
Still do not know, but I'm not sure that the dynamics of football and the Italian still for me, chissa ', we'll see.
Tommasi, after all these years, there 'still something that surprises in football?
Of course! The speech technical always surprised. He who follows football from the outside perhaps believes that the matches are all equal, but in any game can 'be the thing that you do not ever forget the technical point of view. The succession of players and coaches seem a monotonous litany, but in reality 'every game in every league has a formidable side and unforgettable
- Original Italian
Google Translation

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