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Dave McIntyre Blog - Time for Real Change
There was a time when Ben Kosky and I were on opposite sides of the QPR fence and he was the placid one.
Not only is he now a friend and someone I’ve grown to respect a lot, he’s also become almost as Victor Meldrew-like as me. Anyone who knows me will know that’s quite a statement.
For those unfamiliar with his work, Ben is the sports editor of the local Times and has written a number of articles criticising the club; the latest being this week’s panning of Gianni Paladini.
I think Ben is very good at writing this kind of opinion piece and that his views are shared by many fans.
It’s not a skill I have. This blog has been more fun than I expected, but I’m a news man. To me, getting a story is all that really matters. Anything else is secondary.
In some ways I’ve been proved wrong by the way Ben has rightly received a lot of praise for his finger-on-the-pulse articles.
As well as praise, I’ve seen some criticism of the guy. Some of it has tended to be that he is just plain negative and has an axe to grind.
It’s only fair to set the record straight. The fact is Ben used to be criticised for being an apologist for the Paladini-led regime, so any suggestion he is negative for the sake of it is wrong.
It was always me who had a bad relationship with the club. Ben, on the other hand, offered them very sympathetic and positive press. Those who’ve only become aware of him fairly recently may not know this, so perhaps get the wrong impression of him.
The point is that while I can be dismissed as negative and an enemy of the club’s hierarchy, Ben cannot. That’s partly why people should take notice of him, and why I think he deserves respect as a reporter.
It’s easy for me, who already had a poor relationship with QPR and did not work for one newspaper, to burn bridges. It’s harder to take a stance when you’ve previously enjoyed a good relationship with people and been onto a good thing, and also have pages to fill every week, so need a club’s cooperation.
Ben deserves kudos for being willing to criticise, even though it does nothing to make his job easier. Any suggestion he has an ulterior motive is simply wrong.
As for his assessment of Paladini and the Faurlin saga, like his general views on the Rangers regime I may disagree with some specifics, but I agree with his basic point.
But while putting the boot into Paladini is both justified and in many ways a re-hash of old arguments that existed long before the Faurlin farce, the bottom line is that it is the owners of the club who are responsible.
When Paladini was in charge of QPR, he and his allies routinely lashed out at the previous board and their supposed friends throughout a very traumatic period for the club, during which good people lost their jobs and individual fans were subjected to the most incredible campaign.
My response to Paladini during all that was very simple: the buck stops with you. You can’t blame disaster upon disaster on people (mostly lifelong QPR fans) supposedly trying to undermine you. You own QPR. You kicked QPR people out so that you could do so. No excuses. You’re to blame when things go wrong.
Well, fair’s fair. The same must apply now Paladini is basically a club employee.
Criticism of him is inevitable, but make no mistake, it is the owners of QPR who are responsible. It’s they who have a duty of care. And it is they who have failed in that duty by not removing Paladini before now.
During Paladini’s era, the list of debacles QPR have been involved in – episodes that have affected the club’s reputation immeasurably – is a matter of public record and presumably something the popular Mittal family are comfortable with.
I mention the Mittals for two reasons.
The first is that it is they who have enjoyed the adoration of Rangers fans, whereas Ecclestone and Briatore have nailed their colours to the mast. One through his apathy and the latter with his unguarded distain for “fans who pay £20.”
The affection out there for the Mittals is, I believe, based largely on Amit Bhatia’s words rather than actions – ticket pricing being the prime example – and action is now required.
The second reason I mention them is that they may be soon be in a stronger position to take such action.
I never went along with the nonsense that good cop Mittal had replaced bad cop Briatore. Like details of the Faurlin transfer, it was one of several examples of QPR fans being misled.
I do believe, though, that in the near future there is a genuine possibility – just a possibility – there will now be actual change at the top. A possible outcome is that the Mittal family’s influence will be significantly increased. This time for real.
If that happens, they will need to assess several areas of the club that have been a problem for some time.
I do think the Mittals are decent and their respect for QPR is genuine. I also believe they are capable of turning Rangers into one of the best clubs in Europe – not just on the pitch but off it too.
But they cannot do so without addressing the issue of the elephant in the boardroom, which they have so far been unwilling or unable to do.
As things stand, the Mittals strengthening their position would probably lead to Paladini strengthening his.
That’s not something Mittal fans who want Paladini out will want to read, but it’s true, and is why Paladinites on various messageboards have sought to whip up support for the Mittals versus Briatore in the past.
Long before the Faurlin saga, Bhatia received correspondence from fans pleading with him and his family to end Paladini’s involvement with QPR, and drawing his attention to the reasons why. Paladini’s collaborators take great pleasure from the fact that these pleas were in vain.
And while some of Paladini’s critics will use the Faurlin hearing – the results of which suggest no personal wrongdoing on the chairman’s part – as a stick to beat him with despite not knowing the facts of the transfer, there are others who, far from using hindsight, have warned of this type of situation occurring at some stage. It seemed inevitable.
As sensational as the Faurlin case was, in many ways it changes nothing.
Paladini was not found guilty of anything, so anyone who thought he was a fit and proper chairman of QPR three months ago need not change their mind. It’s as you were.
The fine shouldn’t be a problem. Rangers have plenty of money, and most fans would regard Faurlin as worth £875,000 which, from discussions I’ve had, the QPR regime seem to feel is all that matters.
There’s also no need to worry about any damage to QPR’s good reputation. They didn’t have one.
For others, including me, as you were means believing that Paladini ought to go. The Faurlin case didn’t highlight any corruption, but it did – yet again – highlight that Rangers are a very poorly run club.
Paladini, as club chairman since 2005 and the current board’s fountain of football knowledge, is to blame for that.
In return for the adoration and respect of QPR fans, the Mittals have a responsibility to them and a duty to ensure those fans can be confident their club is run in the best possible way.
Paladini unfortunately has a track record of costing the club large amounts of money through shoddiness and incompetence, from the Gino Padula contract fiasco to a series of diabolical signings.
His continued involvement at a time when the board will expect fans to pay top-dollar during tough economic times would be an insult to people whose loyal support of the club guided it through troubled waters.
Paladini has sometimes been wrongly demonised – never more so than with regard to Ian Holloway – and his role in positive things has been overlooked because the truth would not fit with the negative portrayal of him.
But I’m afraid those examples are rare. They are also outweighed by the credit he has too-often received, even from critics, for supposedly ‘saving the club’ or arranging the 2007 takeover – a version of events his allies have pushed relentlessly for a long time, and one I’d very strongly dispute. But that’s for another day.
If Paladini is to be credited with ‘saving’ QPR, it ought to be because of the Monaco-based investment he brought in not long after becoming involved with the club in 2004. That money was absolutely crucial and something he is entitled to take credit for.
Sadly, during the following years, what was a respected club has been dragged through the mire again and again, and Paladini is more responsible for that than anyone.
His advocates may see this as unreasonably blaming him for all sorts of things simply for the sake of it. But while defending him on some issues I also have no hesitation in laying blame for others at his door. Take for example the infamous China brawl, which for me encapsulated the club’s malaise.
Not for a moment am I suggesting Paladini would condone an episode like that or be anything but sickened by it. He was. And in fact, once he calmed down that afternoon and stopped berating me for reporting the incident, I thought his response to the whole thing during the following days was magnificent – his finest hour as chairman.
However, there is no doubt in my mind that incidents like that happened in the first place because of the general climate at the club. A climate where there seemed to be no leadership, no discipline, and, frankly, no standards. For that, Paladini was responsible.
Simply put, the place was a shambles during his tenure, and for that reason many hoped – and wrongly assumed – the 2007 takeover by renowned businesspeople would do for him. It was never likely to, and it didn’t.
This is something his supporters point to as proof of his ability. I see it as proof of the owners’ lack of knowledge of QPR and football in general.
In many ways the takeover strengthened his position, and the shoddiness that plagued the club’s dealings before 2007 has still been evident since then, culminating in the Faurlin fiasco.
So the result of the Paladini years is a club that apparently views a fine not far short of £1m – the largest fine in FA history – as a vindication, and that uses as their defence the fact that they deliberately sought to mislead their own fans.
What a sad state of affairs and what a comedown for a club once viewed by others as a benchmark.
So Ben Kosky is spot-on to say Paladini cannot be allowed to continue in his current role. I also know it wasn’t the easy option for him personally, because he has long been battling the club over the issue of access to players, and an article like that will do him no favours at all.
From my own point of view, I really hoped promotion would be an opportunity to draw a line in the sand and achieve a better relationship with the club. Three Premier League sides in the same borough ought to be a great opportunity for those clubs and the local press.
I hoped to mend fences this summer, and have a few ideas I’d like Rangers to embrace. So at this stage, I need to be criticising the powers-that-be like Akos Buzsaky needs another injury.
Tempting as it is, now Kosky’s opted for potential career suicide, to wait for them to bury him and see where that might leave me, I’m reaching for the razor blade as well. They can bury both of us together. Might as well. I’ve seen far too much of the guy lately.
Being a gentleman, and probably still more placid than me, Ben’s amicably suggested that Paladini be “sidelined”. But what would be the point of that?
That would see him keep his role as the club’s figurehead, particularly at away matches, when he is often the only director representing QPR, which itself is a sad indictment of the club.
QPR must – and easily could – do better. It’s not appropriate for Paladini to perform that role, and the need for him to be replaced in it is even greater now than before.
Rangers are not short of excellent alternatives. There are a number of QPR fans who are respected and successful in business and other areas.
Closer to home, there are people like Andy Evans, who attends every game and has done outstanding work in charge of the QPR in the Community Trust. Bhatia is the trust’s chairman, so there’s an option staring him in the face.
There are also committed Rangers fans who have helped the club in numerous ways through the years, including, incidentally, providing financial support for the aforementioned community trust.
These people would, in my view, represent the club very well and should be asked to do so as part of a new era for Rangers, in the Premier League, with people who live and breath QPR being prominent when the moneymen aren’t.
Until now, that void has been filled by Paladini. That should never have been the case.
Removing his title of sporting director was only a cosmetic, token measure. There must now be proper, meaningful change. It’s long overdue." Dave Mcintyre Blog
INSIDE WORLD FOOTBALL/Mihir Bose - Lakshmi Mittal & QPR
Mihir Bose: QPR's owner is richer than Abramovich but they won't be competing against Chelsea in the transfer market.
Monday, 09 May 2011 Share .Queen's Park Rangers return to the Premiership will make their fans want to know is whether their rich owner will follow in the footsteps of Roman Abramovich. He is after all richer than Abramovich, indeed he is the richest man in Britain with a net worth of £24 billion ($39 billion).
But that's not how Lakshmi Mittal sees things. QPR will not be a passion for him as Chelsea is for the Russian and, ironic at it may seem, that should be of some comfort to the fans of the West London club.
QPR, as Mittal himself acknowledges, is a club with a "chequered past" and what a past. Located almost next door to the BBC, it has had the sort of drama that could well inspire one of the corporation's script writers. Since the club fell out of the Premiership in 1996, it has not only been in and out of administration but has had to cope with very unwelcome off the field headlines.
These have included the killing of youth player Kiyan Prince, a match with the China Olympic team which led to mass violence on the pitch, and a John Wayne-style high noon drama in the boardroom where Gianni Paladini, the chairman, alleged that a gun had been held to his head before a home match against Sheffield United. This resulted in a court case in 2006 which saw seven men being acquitted of charges of conspiracy to blackmail, false imprisonment and handgun possession.
Unlike other foreign owners, the Mittal's acquisition of QPR was not driven by their wanting to use the club for a particular purpose. In fact the family stake is still only around 30 per cent. The rest is owned by Bernie Ecclestone, who is rich enough but not quite in the Mittal league. Initially, it was Mittal's son-in-law, Amit Bhatia, who got the family involved – with a touch of drama which chimes in very well with the QPR story.
Picture the scene. It is 2007. Bhatia is about to leave the Mittal's Berkeley Square office - next to the Jack Barclay car show room – when he looks on the giant television screen in the reception. "I saw", recalls Amit, "on Sky News that Flavio [Briatore] and Bernie [Ecclestone] had bought QPR. I shot a text message to Flavio: 'Congratulations, I hope you have lots of success with the club.'"
The two men are well known to the Mittals - Bernie sold Lakshmi Mittal the home he occupies in Kensington. A few days after buying QPR, Briatore and Ecclestone met Lakshmi and his son-in-law at the house. It did not take long for the Mittals to become a partner in the club.
As a family, the Mittals had long looked at buying an English club. They had been approached by many Premiership teams. QPR was the only Championship side they looked at - Bhatia had memories of watching QPR as a teenager – and the London location was an advantage as the family wanted to support a local club. It is interesting that the Mittals had turned down owning Indian Premier League franchises, cricket's hottest property, because they are not often in India.
As Lakshmi Mittal (pictured waving to the crowd at Loftus Road) put it to me, "At that time it was just a passive investment. We had a 20 per cent shareholding. It was really in the spirit of fun rather than taking an interest in running a football club that we made the investment."
But it was much less fun when, as a result of Briatore's problems with Formula One, he had to resign.
"Amit came to me and said, 'Flavio has stepped down and the club is in trouble.' I felt we should get out. I did not like the family to be in that negative news which was being thrown around Flavio and his past. But Amit persuaded me that we can do things for the club. Let us try for a year and see how we make progress."
The Mittals increased their stake after Briatore left but more importantly took a decisive role in the overall management of the club. "When Flavio stepped down", says Lakshmi, "the club was kind of an orphan and Amit took this challenge up."
His most significant move was hiring Neil Warnock, a manager driven by an intense desire to return to the Premiership, and a man the father-in-law has come to admire.
"He has brought stability to the club, motivated the team. He is a great guy, a team player who I can see has fire in his belly. I hope he continues to lead QPR after we win promotion."
Interestingly, like Warnock, Mittal senior did not at the start of the season believe QPR would win promotion. When I interviewed Warnock at the end of August, QPR was top of the table and unbeaten yet Warnock was insistent that dreams of Premiership were unrealistic.
"We have exceeded expectations. We've had seven new players and, as any manager will tell you, it takes a couple of months to bed them in. We're nowhere near a top of the league side. We are really only a sixth to tenth position team with the people we've got. By Christmas you'll see who the top sides are and I'd be very surprised if we are top then."
He expected Cardiff, Middlesbrough and Ipswich to be near the top. Partly this was typical managerial speak of dampening down expectations so that the manager can claim the credit for working the miracle. But it was also realism as the previous season Warnock (pictured) had avoided relegation. Teams looking at the abyss of League One do not suddenly acquire the ability to gaze up at the stars of the Premiership.
Not only did Mittal share his manager's pessimism at the start of the season but, even at late as two months ago, he was not confident of the Premiership.
"Six or eight weeks ago, I don't think even Neil was confident. He came to me at my Berkeley Square offices and he said, 'We have this weakness and that weakness.' I know managers speak more of weakness than strengths but it did not give me confidence. I became confident only when I went to see them and they won 2-1 [against Crystal Palace]. I told Amit, 'We have improved, we are playing well, the team looks co-ordinated, the passing is good.' That is when I began to believe we could do it."
If this suggests a knowledge of the game, then it is derived from his youth in Kolkata. The Premiership is a world removed from that but it is where he loved playing football - he was a full back. "I was a big guy but I was doing an important job."
Compared to his present wealth he did not have the money to watch the matches in the city, particularly the important ones involving the two big clubs, East Bengal and Mohun Bagan.
"I was 15 and I did not have the money to watch matches. At the back of the ground you could rent periscopes for 50 paise [half a pence] to peer into the ground. I had to save from my pocket money to hire the periscope."
On coming to London, his first club was Chelsea. The Mittals had a box there which they gave up when they bought into QPR. Talking of Abramovich, Lakshmi says, "I know Roman because he is also in the steel business." But he is quick to emphasise that his feel for football is different. "For Roman, Chelsea is his personal passion. I am a fan of QPR but I will not have that kind of passion which you see in Roman. I am passionate about my business."
Mittal does say, "I can understand the passion of the fans." But what gives him pleasure in owning QPR is that "a lot of people are interested in QPR, politicians know about it, people in the grass roots, even the doorman at Harry's Bar knows about QPR. The club has a chequered history. This gives me a positive feeling when you go round and feel proud of it. I avoid saying I am involved in football because people may feel I am not focusing on my work. Unless someone asks I do not volunteer to tell them."
But as a one who knows his football, Mittal concedes that, to do well in the Premiership, QPR needs new players. "There is still much we need to improve in the defence. To stay in the Premiership, we will need a good goal scorer."
So will there be money for Warnock? This is the question fans want to know and Mittal's answer is interesting.
"I think so because it is a big responsibility. You have to live up to the Premier League." But then he adds, "But there are some clubs who like to have a big budget. There are other clubs who can do a good job with limited budgets but higher productivity."
He continues, "We have been injecting money into the club as and when required." [The club's biggest purchase since 2007 has been Alejandra Faurlin for a mere £3.5 million ($5.7 million). This transfer led to questions about the player's alleged third party ownership and an FA inquiry which finally decided that there should be no points deduction.]
Mittal's words do not suggest Abramovich-style spending but then, for Lakshmi Mittal, "Football is not business, it is entertainment."
While being in the Premiership, "is a very exciting moment" for the Mittal family, it will not change how they operate. "I shall not get more involved," says Lakshmi, "I keep Amit in front. I am behind him all the time. Nobody recognises me at matches."
Supporters seeking instant success want owners to be like them and broadcast their passion, as well as waving the cheque book. But an owner who, while fond of the club, can also take a detached view may, in the long term, provide the sort of stable growth that a club like QPR needs.
Mihir Bose is one of the world's most astute observers on politics in sport and, particularly, football. He formerly wrote for The Sunday Times and The Daily Telegraph and until recently was the BBC's head sports editor.
www.mihirbose.com http://twitter.com/mihirbose
Inside World Football
Daily Mail/Sami Mokbel "Explanation" Why No Victory Parade
Daily Mail/Sami Mokbel
- Meanwhile, Rangers confirmed they would not be holding a parade to celebrate their Championship-winning season. And Sportsmail can reveal one of the key reasons behind the decision is that the event would have cost close to £600,000.
The cost of policing, hiring an event management firm and paying for road closures sent the price soaring.
Hammersmith and Fulham Council would also have required a notice period of 21 days before the event and because of the FA hearing into Alejandro Faurlin's ownership, which could have cost Rangers promotion, it is understood the club decided against contacting the local authority about the parade in advance of last Saturday's decision not to dock points.
A council spokesman said: 'We are overjoyed QPR were promoted and we were keen on a parade but the club turned down the opportunity. We invited them to a civic reception.'
Rangers plan to have a celebration once the players return to pre-season training. Mail
The Official Hammersmith and Fulham Council Statement re The Parade
- Cllr Greg Smith, Cabinet Member for Residents' Services, said: "The council was very keen on a parade but Queens Park Rangers turned down this opportunity. We will however be inviting them to a civic reception with the Mayor of the borough."
QPR 1st Statement
QPR1st Supporters Trust: Paladini and the FA
QPR1st Supporters Trust wishes to congratulate our players for achieving promotion to the premiership. Neil Warnock has done an amazing job in transforming the squad he inherited into a band of brothers that play with such tremendous passion, pride and skill. Our owners also deserve credit for giving Neil their full support and providing the much needed financial stability the Club required to prosper. We welcome the denial by both Bernie Ecclestone and the Mittal family regarding persistent news stories that they are looking to replace Warnock.
Above all we wish to recognise the dedication and commitment shown by loyal fans who stuck with the Club through thick and thin, who were willing to give whatever it took to keep the Club alive.
The return to top flight football is our reward. It is a great shame that the build up to Saturday's Promotion Party was tainted by the FA enquiry with an initial mood of unease being whipped up by irresponsible media speculation into an increasing sense of anxiety and despair.
Questions remain regarding the FA's handling of the affair. If investigations had been carried out into the Faulin transfer since September 2010, was it really not possible to ensure a resolution well before the end of the playing season and not 45 minutes before the last match (with the playoffs being thrown into total chaos if points had been deducted and QPR had launched an appeal)? If the FA's evidence that QPR entered into a third-party contract was so weak as not to stand scrunity by an independent commission, would the FA have been wiser not to proceed in the first place?
There is little sign that the interests of players and fans not just of QPR but other promotion hopefuls were taken into account and we believe the case adds weight to increasing calls for legislative reform of the FA. The irony of an organisation that has been described by the Minister of Sport as turning football into the 'worst governed sport' in the UK passing judgement on others for bringing the game into disrepute will be lost on no-one.
The Supporters Trust is delighted that the Club was not found guilty of entering into a third party agreement but QPR does not remain entirely vindicating with two charges of improper conduct proven. Until further information is provided, QPR1st will not follow the example of the media and speculate further on the detail regarding these charges. Nevertheless it would appear safe to say that they relate primarily to the conduct of Mr Gianni Paladini.
Paladini has always been a controversial figure amongst QPR fans. Since he joined QPR, so many claims and counter-claims have been made about his behaviour and actions that it is perhaps impossible to state where the truth lies. But even Paladini's staunchest allies would have to accept that his idiosyncratic way of conducting business has led fans to question his professional integrity and competence.The FA has made it clear that it will be closely monitoring QPR in the future and we can expect the media will also be placing us under a much closer spotlight than before. Any business transition carried out by QPR, especially related to the transfer of players will have to be dealt with in a manner which is strictly above board and beyond challenge. Whether Paladini is the right man to ensure this is the case, is surely now open to question. Certainly if the club sees some advantages in retaining his services, enough checks and balances have to be put in place to ensure that a situation like this never arises again.
The reception that Paladini received from fans at both the last match of the season and the Player of the Year Awards should also leave the Club's directors in no doubt that the majority of supporters no longer wish Paladini to present himself to the media as speaking on behalf of the Club or its fans.
Above all the Club needs to operate with greater transparency and accountability. QPR1st reiterate the request it has made in the past for the Club to bring back Fans Forums and Shareholders AGMs. We would also like to see a greater partnership being established between the Board of Directors and independent democratic Supporters Groups. A more open approach will we believe help protect the Club from further accusations of wrong doing and ensure that QPR's success in the Premier League will be determined as it should be by what happens on the pitch. QPR1st
Ben Kosky/Willesden & Brent Times - QPR must learn lessons of lucky escape
IT’S something of an understatement to point out that QPR fans have had their emotions fed through the wringer in recent weeks.
Anxiety lingered almost until kick-off on the final day that their team’s astonishing, relentless advance to the Football League title might yet be nullified.
It’s not surprising that an outpouring of relief and joy, held in check for the previous week, greeted the FA’s timely announcement that the club would face no points deduction.
And, although euphoria is still at a high level, sooner or later the Rangers faithful might want to reflect on why this uncomfortable, embarrassing episode ever came to pass.
So far, many supporters have lashed out at the FA who – while their handling of this matter leaves a good deal to be desired – have actually displayed extreme leniency in the sentence they handed down.
A total fine of £875,000 and a warning? Hardly worth mentioning when QPR are guaranteed somewhere in the region of £60m as members of the Premier League next season.
All credit to the club’s legal team that they ensured Rangers escaped with such a minimal punishment. Yet the fact remains that they were found guilty on two counts – seeking to use an unauthorised agent and bringing the game into disrepute.
Not for the first time, the name of Queens Park Rangers has been dragged through the mud. And mud sticks.
Who is responsible for that? Not the FA. Not the media, as some seem to think.
It’s well past time that the Loftus Road board learned some lessons, took responsibility for restoring QPR’s reputation and ensured that the club are never involved in this kind of murky affair again.
That means insisting that transfers are the province of the manager, NOT chairman Gianni Paladini.
Maybe when Luigi de Canio, a coach with no knowledge of the English league, was in charge, it made sense for Paladini to recruit players, but it’s a very different matter now.
Not only is Neil Warnock one of the most experienced managers in the English game, he even appointed a QPR chief scout for the first time in years.
Getting the players Warnock wants has been key to Rangers’ success this season, but they have still continued to sign others he doesn’t particularly want. Pascal Chimbonda and Giorgios Tofas come to mind.
Yes, there have been some Paladini signings that have worked – but those are dwarfed by a lengthy list of disasters including Zesh Rehman, Nick Ward, Matteo Alberti, Alessandro Pellicori and literally dozens more.
How much more expensive could those blunders be at Premier League level? Make no mistake, it will be the manager, rather than Paladini, who shoulders the blame when things go wrong.
And let’s not forget who decided that the club could afford to dispense with their long-serving, well-respected secretary Sheila Marson – on whose watch the Faurlin fiasco would surely never have happened.
Incredibly, Paladini still seems to think he did nothing wrong. But the findings of the independent regulatory commission suggest otherwise – and have given QPR a second chance to put their house in order.
The club’s owners should be grateful for that. Now they are dining at the top table, they need to smarten up their act – and that means sidelining Paladini right now. Willesdon & Brent Times
re PARADE: Dave McIntyre Tweets:Council say very keen indeed for #QPR to have parade but club weren't.
QPR Official Statement - CLUB ANNOUNCEMENT (No Parade)
Posted on: Wed 11 May 2011
- Regrettably, the Club can confirm that, for a number of reasons, we will not be holding an end of season parade following our promotion to the Premier League.
- We know this will be a huge disappointment to our fans who have been fantastic this season and everyone at the Club shares this view.
- The Club had held discussions about putting such a celebration on going back over a number of weeks but, unfortunately, the on-going FA inquiry, coupled with other factors beyond our control, prevent this from happening.
- However, plans are already afoot for a pre-season celebration, once the players return to training in July.
- We will, of course, keep you - our supporters - updated with any developments in due course. QPR
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